lunedì 10 marzo 2014

Technical difficulties

Me. As a meme.
It's still better than the real thing.
Remember the guy who made me into a meme?
Me neither, but then he popped out of nowhere (as he always does) and reminded me of his existence, like the little funny leprechaun he is.
Apparently he has done yet another of his marvellous copy-and-paste works with my face, like a magical surgeon of some program I should learn to use.



After technical difficulties, I couldn't find the creations of that little genius. I hope that a few pictures of myself  will appease you.

Totally NOT shopped. And all according to plans.

Me in a rare moment of BLISS.

On the other hand, inspired as I was by the little leprechaun, I should have been more productive, but the only thing I could make was this little zombie plumber. Have fun.

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